πŸ“„Guru Season 2 Pass And ChainLink Functions Case

Integrating Chainlink Functions into the Guru Season 2 Pass NFT smart contract significantly enhances its capabilities, allowing for secure access to off-chain data and complex computations.


The integration of Chainlink Functions in smart contracts marks a significant advancement in the capabilities and functionality of decentralized applications (dApps). This article delves into the intricacies of the GuruSeason2PassNFT smart contract, highlighting the role of Chainlink Functions and exploring the potential for dynamic NFTs in future releases.

Overview of the GuruSeason2PassNFT Smart Contract

The GuruSeason2PassNFT contract is a sophisticated ERC721-based non-fungible token (NFT) designed to provide users with unique Season Pass NFTs. It incorporates several advanced features to enhance functionality and security:

  • ERC721Enumerable: Enables enumeration of NFTs, allowing the contract to keep track of all minted NFTs.

  • ERC721Pausable: Provides the ability to pause and unpause contract operations, ensuring better control during updates or in case of emergencies.

  • FunctionsClient: Facilitates interactions with Chainlink Functions, enabling the contract to request and process off-chain data.

  • ConfirmedOwner: Ensures ownership access control, allowing only the owner or designated executor to perform critical operations.

The contract is designed to limit each address to a single NFT, with a specified minting end time to ensure timely distribution of Season Passes.

Minting Mechanism Protected by Merkle Root

The GuruSeason2PassNFT employs a secure minting mechanism protected by a Merkle root. This ensures that only authorized users can mint NFTs, preventing unauthorized access and ensuring fair distribution. Here's how it works:

  • Merkle Proof Verification: During the minting process, users must provide a Merkle proof. This proof is used to verify their inclusion in a pre-approved list (the Merkle tree), ensuring they are eligible to mint the NFT.

function safeMint(bytes32[] calldata proof) public {

require(balanceOf(msg.sender) < NFT_PER_ADDRESS_LIMIT, "You have reached max number of NFT!");

require(block.timestamp <= MINTING_END_TIME, "SeasonPass has been sold out!");

bytes32 leaf = keccak256(bytes.concat(keccak256(abi.encode(msg.sender))));

require(MerkleProof.verify(proof, MERKLE_ROOT, leaf), "Invalid proof");

uint256 tokenId = _nextTokenId++;

_safeMint(msg.sender, tokenId);

  • Dynamic Merkle Root Updates: The contract can dynamically update the Merkle root using Chainlink Functions, ensuring the list of eligible minters remains current and secure. The trigger for the Merkle root update is an invitation by a participant to another participant.

function sendRequest(

string memory source,

bytes memory encryptedSecretsUrls,

uint8 donHostedSecretsSlotID,

uint64 donHostedSecretsVersion,

string[] memory args,

bytes[] memory bytesArgs,

uint64 subscriptionId,

uint32 gasLimit,

bytes32 donID

) external onlyOwnerOrExecutor returns (bytes32 requestId) {

FunctionsRequest.Request memory req;


if (encryptedSecretsUrls.length > 0)


else if (donHostedSecretsVersion > 0) {






if (args.length > 0) req.setArgs(args);

if (bytesArgs.length > 0) req.setBytesArgs(bytesArgs);

s_lastRequestId = _sendRequest(






return s_lastRequestId;

  1. Processing Responses:

The fulfillRequest function processes the response from Chainlink, updating the contract state based on the data received.

function fulfillRequest(

bytes32 requestId,

bytes memory response,

bytes memory err

) internal override {

if (s_lastRequestId != requestId) {

revert UnexpectedRequestID(requestId);


if (err.length == 0) {

MERKLE_ROOT = bytes32(response);


s_lastError = err;

emit Response(requestId, response, s_lastError);


Benefits of Using Chainlink Functions

The integration of Chainlink Functions offers several key benefits to the GuruSeason2PassNFT smart contract:

  1. Access to Off-Chain Data: Enables the contract to access dynamic and real-time data, enhancing its functionality.

  2. Enhanced Security: Chainlink provides tamper-resistant data through decentralized oracles, ensuring data integrity and reliability.

  3. Cost Efficiency: Offloading complex computations to Chainlink reduces on-chain gas consumption, making transactions more cost-effective.

  4. Increased Functionality: Allows the contract to perform complex off-chain computations and interact with external APIs, expanding the range of possible use cases.

Future Prospects: Dynamic NFTs Enabled by Chainlink Functions

Dynamic NFTs represent the next step in the evolution of digital assets, offering a more interactive and engaging experience by changing and evolving based on external data and real-world events. By leveraging Chainlink Functions, the GuruSeason2PassNFT contract can be extended to support dynamic NFTs, significantly enhancing user engagement and value.

Use Case: Dynamic Guru Season Pass NFTs

Dynamic Guru Season Pass NFTs could evolve based on various factors such as user achievements, event participation, or real-world events. This dynamic feature can significantly enhance the value and appeal of the NFTs, creating a unique and personalized experience for each holder.

  1. Real-Time Data Integration: NFTs could change based on real-time sports events or weather updates, reflecting real-world conditions and events.

  2. User Achievements and Interactions: NFTs could update to reflect user milestones within the Guru ecosystem, unlocking new visual elements or features.

  3. Event Participation: NFTs could evolve during live events, providing unique keepsakes that represent the event's outcome or highlights.

Implementation Strategy

  1. Fetching Real-Time Data: Use Chainlink oracles to retrieve data from external sources such as sports APIs or weather services.

  2. Real-Time Data Integration: NFTs could change based on real-time sports events or weather updates, reflecting real-world conditions and events.

  3. User Achievements and Interactions: NFTs could update to reflect user milestones within the Guru ecosystem, unlocking new visual elements or features.

  4. Event Participation: NFTs could evolve during live events, providing unique keepsakes that represent the event's outcome or highlights.

Implementation Strategy

  1. Fetching Real-Time Data: Use Chainlink oracles to retrieve data from external sources such as sports APIs or weather services.

function updateNFTAttributes(uint256 tokenId) external onlyOwnerOrExecutor {

string memory source = "https://api.weather.com/v3/wx/conditions/current";

bytes32 requestId = sendRequest(





new string ,

new bytes ,





requestToTokenId[requestId] = tokenId;

  1. Processing and Updating NFTs: Use the fulfill function to update NFT attributes based on the fetched data.

function fulfillRequest(

bytes32 requestId,

bytes memory response,

bytes memory err

) internal override {

if (s_lastRequestId != requestId) {

revert UnexpectedRequestID(requestId);


if (err.length == 0) {

uint256 tokenId = requestToTokenId[requestId];

updateNFTMetadata(tokenId, response);


s_lastError = err;

emit Response(requestId, response, s_lastError);


function updateNFTMetadata(uint256 tokenId, bytes memory responseData) internal {

string memory newAttribute = parseResponseData(responseData);

_setTokenURI(tokenId, newAttribute);

  1. Dynamic Metadata: Define how the NFT metadata should change based on the data.

function _baseURI() internal view override returns (string memory) {

return "https://dynamic.gurunetwork.ai/nft/";


function _setTokenURI(uint256 tokenId, string memory _tokenURI) internal virtual {

require(_exists(tokenId), "ERC721Metadata: URI set of nonexistent token");

_tokenURIs[tokenId] = _tokenURI;


Integrating Chainlink Functions into the GuruSeason2PassNFT smart contract significantly enhances its capabilities, allowing for secure access to off-chain data and complex computations. This integration not only improves functionality and security but also opens the door to innovative features like dynamic NFTs. By embracing these advancements, the GuruSeason2PassNFT contract can provide a more interactive, personalized, and engaging experience for users, paving the way for future innovations in the blockchain ecosystem.

Last updated