๐ŸGetting Started

Data Warehouse showcase with a simple use case.

You can create QUERIES (1), create DASHBOARDS (2) combining queriesโ€จand visualizations built for them, TAG (3) them, and PUBLISH (4) for โ€จpublic usage. Queries should be published in order to be available forโ€จdashboards and public. Dashboards should be published in order to be availableโ€จfrom outside. Letโ€™s take a look for a โ€œXFI Pools Activityโ€ (5) dashboard for example.

Here we have a set of QUERY DASHBOARDS (1), global params for dashboards (2), โ€จand REFRESH rate (3). In order to go down to the QUERY (4), select it from DROPDOWN (5).

On a query page there is a SQL QUERY (1) with PARAMS (2). On a left you can find a LIST OF TABLES (3) forโ€จa network, and select REQUIRED TABLE (4). Query result is found in a TABLE (5). Next, take a look at VISUALIZATION (6).

    toUnixTimestamp(toString('{{dates.start}}')) AS dateStart,
    toUnixTimestamp(toString('{{dates.end}}')) AS dateEnd
    DATE(block_timestamp) as timestamp,
    CAST(token_addresses[1] as CHAR) as tokenFrom,
    CAST(token_addresses[2] as CHAR) as tokenTo,
    amounts[1] as tokenFromAmount,
    amounts[2] as tokenToAmount,
FROM xfi_test.dex_trades

Go down the VISUALIZATION CONFIG (1, 2), select CHART (3) type and choose required AXIS AND PARAMS (4).โ€จThereโ€™s a variety of dashboards you can build (5).

Query can be used via REST (1), dashboard can be published via URL (2).

curl -X POST 'https://api.dev.dex.guru/wh/xfi_addresses_interaction?api_key=sTa5PAljgZuakDAojY8YipKcUq0jHQH2mI8xKlxn' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"parameters": {"dates":"d_last_month"}}'
fetch( "https://api.dev.dex.guru/wh/xfi_addresses_interaction?api_key=sTa5PAljgZuakDAojY8YipKcUq0jHQH2mI8xKlxn", { method: "POST", headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, body: '{"parameters": {"dates":"d_last_month"}}' } )

That is all for a main features introduction.โ€จAll details can be provided on demand.โ€จOther features and uses cases will be described in a while.

Last updated